

Term 3 Science!!!!

Our Science Question - answered.....

Look at the veins in these flowers! The flowers were white at the start and over night they sucked up the die and water mix and changed colour!

Hamish's Visit

After we listened and watched Hamish we did a KWL chart as a class. Hamish taught us a lot and made us think about some questions we want to find out about.

Here are our superb scientific questions at the start of our topic:


With Mr C we did a scientific investigation about Alfalfa Seeds. We wanted to know 'What is the best place to grow alfalfa seeds in the classroom. We chose 3 places:

  • on a shelf
  • under the teachers desk 
  • in a box
This is how we are growing them.

We have planted bean seeds on paper towels to see the root system that develops.

Today we set up our first science experiment. We were trying to find out Does stalk length change how quickly water is taken to the leaves?

Day 1 photo:

Day 2 photo

Today the leaves have turned a bit red from the dye. We have discovered that the length of the stalk made no difference to the sucking of water to the leaves. The stalks all look the same.


Today we went to the Aldinga Reserve near our school. We went to see what play spaces were there and ask ourselves some questions:

Who is the play space for?
Why was the play space created?
What is good about the play space? Why?
What do excellent play spaces have?

As part of our Creative Spaces Unit we are looking at 'What is Play?' To see what we think that the start we were given some statements to look at and decide what heading they would go under. Play, not play or not sure.

Here is what we think now at the beginning of the unit:

Play is:

  • the Olympic Games
  • a rugby game
  • having a picnic
  • hand clapping games
  • a game of chasing
  • a netball game
  • a computer game
Play is not:
  • building a hut
  • reading
  • visiting grandma
  • singing
We were not sure if these things were play or not:
  • running a race
  • skipping
  • doing a jigsaw
  • I spy
  • playing a card game

Term 2 Weeks 1 and 2

Our topic for the first 2 weeks of term is Keeping Ourselves Safe.

The areas we will cover are:

Focus area 1: I am unique: Tino taonga koe

For safety reasons students need to know their name, where they live, and the names of the people they live with. When they can verbalise their feelings confidently, they can report times when they feel safe and unsafe.

Focus area 2: My body is my own: Kei a koe to mana tinana

They understand the names of body parts and that no one should touch their genitals unless it is for health reasons. Students consider touch that they like, touch that hurts and touch that is confusing.

Focus area 3: Dealing with unwanted behaviour and touch: Tāu e ahu ai ki te whanonga me te pā kino

Students need to be able to say “no” confidently, move away, and report what has happened. They learn the difference between good secrets and bad secrets and know how to tell.

Focus area 4: Adults who help: Ngā kaiāwhina pakeke

Students learn who they can trust to help them. Together with the people they live with students develop safety rules and strategies to help them keep safe.

Term 1 Week 7:

This week we had to design, draw and write about an Awa Syndicate Logo.

The criteria were:

  • a clear simple design
  • minimal colours
  • the writing says what each part represents
This is how we did....

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